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I Am

Sometimes my days are cloudy and my mind has a hard time staying on what is true. Regardless of the season I am in, who I am never changes. God declared my worth and value on the Cross. What he says is true because, as my Creator, he is the only one who has authority to assign to me my worth.

When my  life meets failure, disappointment and pain, I will cling to what is true. Here is where I can find peace. Here is where my life is reoriented towards him. Here is the strength to cling to him no matter the circumstance. Here is where my soul finds rest. Here I will find the strength to walk through whatever life holds. Here is where I find the love I need to love unconditionally and the love I need unconditionally. Here is where find I Him. If God is for me, who can be against me? I will remember.

I am

Loved (Ephesians 3:16-19)

Relentlessly pursued (Romans 5:8)

Known (Psalm 139)

Enjoyed (Zephaniah 3:17)

Protected (Psalm 121:5-8)

Held (Isaiah 41:10)

Wanted (I John 4:19)

Forgiven (Colossians 1:13-14)

By Him

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