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The Power of a Name

As any mom knows, there is power in a name. Just the other day, Drew came to me with a complaint about one of the other kids. Brow furrowed, arms crossed and a twinkle in his eye, he asked, “Would you please say that I can play the game I want to right now?” When I stated he could, he ran off with a skip in his step and I heard the cries of, “Mom SAID,” ricocheting off the walls of our home. The words ‘Mom said’ stop arguments, cause siblings to whip into action and give authority to the gleeful speaker’s words. I have even been asked if I could give authority for ‘Mom said’ to be used in any or all situations where the asker may find herself being annoyed. I wouldn’t want to mention her by name, but these are valuable words for an only girl surrounded by brothers. When I was young, my sister found a saying of gold, “Mom says stop when people say stop.” That can be used in any and all situations. Don’t tell your kids about it – I have kept it hidden safely from mine.

Although I have watched my name used as authority with some amusement and often much annoyance, it has given me a small glimpse into my authority as one who is God’s. There is power in the name of Jesus.

All power, all goodness, all kindness, all redemption, all love, all grace, all forgiveness, all holiness, all provision and all hope is wrapped up in that one name – Jesus – Son of God. The promise of His Name is that we have a God fighting on our behalf for our wholeness and holiness. This wholeness and holiness is not just for us, but He gives us a part in His grand story of redemption for mankind. His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven. He is irresistible to the broken and desperate hearts longing for meaning bigger than themselves. We have a small part to play in the grand story of God. His name makes it possible.

So often, I forget about the power of His name over my life, my family’s life, my neighborhood, my city, my country and my world. This name we utter without thinking is full of power and authority. If we understood the power in His name, we would utter it more and pray more often. We would rise above situations in our lives and not succumb to things we should have authority over. This one Name has all the hope the world has ever and will ever need. This one Name has all the hope you and I have ever and will ever need. He is enough. For in His name is wrapped the goodness, greatness, power and love. His very heart towards His creation. It’s who He is. His Name is so powerful that when uttered, bondages break and people are set free. A Name so powerful that every single knee will bow at the mention of it. Every knee.

In this name is wrapped the answer to every single thing that we could ever need for life and what it holds. He holds the heavens and He holds our hearts. He counts the stars and He counts the hairs on our head. He fights battles of epic proportions and He daily bears our burdens. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He provides for the sparrow. He is over the rulers of the earth and He is over our lives. He forgives our sins and makes us holy and righteous. He sees the pain of the world, yet He heals our hearts. He doesn’t just love. He IS love. All that He does is wrapped in His love. Everything. This God who loves so grandly and is all of these things knows OUR name and has invited us to speak His. He hears us, He knows us, He loves us.

If you find yourself in a desperate place, a happy place, a lonely place, a loved place, a confused place, a peaceful place or any other ‘place,’ you have been invited to pray in His all powerful Name. Bring your hopes, your dreams, your fears, your hurts, your disappointments, your failures, your successes and all else that is yours to His feet. He responds to the mention of His Name.May His Name be lifted up in every situation in our lives. Jesus. The Name above all names.

Take a minute to listen and declare this over your life and situation –  Break Every Chain

Jesus, Thank You that Your Name is above all Names. You are over and above every situation in my life. There is not a situation in my life that could ever be more powerful or bigger than Your Name. I put all of my hope in You. You hold my life in your hands and I take all of the things in my life and give them to You. Your Name is all powerful and I know that You hold everything in the palm of Your hand. I trust Your Name. In YOUR powerful Name. Amen.

Philippians 2:9-11 ESV Therefore God has highly exalted him and bestowed on him the name that is above every name, so that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.