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April 26, 2023

Good Worry?

Waking up yesterday, I immediately felt the weight of some things I am carrying infiltrate my mind. It didn't take long...

April 19, 2023

Small Prayers

Praise the Lord; praise God our savior! For each day he carries us in his arms. Psalm 68:19 NLT

April 13, 2023

Loving When You Can't

A few weeks ago, I shared at a small retreat. As I was working on the message, the truths God showed me in the process...

April 9, 2023

Resurrection Sunday - Hope Exceeded

"On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, the women took the spices they had prepared and went to the...

April 8, 2023

Saturday - The Day In Between

The next day.....the Pharisees went to Pilate. "Sir," they said, "we remember that while he was still alive that...

April 7, 2023

Good Friday - Worth the Pain

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which...

March 29, 2023

When Listening is Scary

I remember in my childhood bedroom, I had one of those famous 70's pictures of Jesus sitting under a tree with children...

March 15, 2023

Learning to Hear God's Voice (Part One)

Lately, I have been fascinated with the story of Eli and Samuel. If you are unfamiliar with the story in I Samuel 3,...

February 28, 2023

20 Things I've Learned Parenting Teens

We are now nine years into what will be our fourteen year teen parenting journey and I have learned so much! Mainly how...

February 21, 2023

In God's Way

Sitting quietly in church service every Sunday, my legs swinging under my too big chair, I would listen carefully to...