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September 13, 2023
Hi friends! I realized today that it's been three weeks since I last wrote! It's been a very busy three weeks with a...
August 19, 2023
When our oldest three were toddlers, the dreaded moment came when every single one of them got sick at the same time...
August 10, 2023
This week I stepped into an exciting new two year season in my life!
July 20, 2023
I spent some time on a silent retreat over the weekend at a beautiful, secluded retreat center. Spending time with God...
July 7, 2023
Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how I bookend my days and the impact it has. Those seemingly small moments at...
June 30, 2023
A little over a year ago, I sat on a Phoenix deck overlooking the Camelback Mountains. The sky was a deep blue and the...
June 21, 2023
I don't know about you, but I have found there are often repeated phrases in church that state how we should truly...
May 31, 2023
"If God is so good then why did this happen?!" cried our oldest son at just six years old. "I prayed for a baby sister...
May 17, 2023
As a child swinging, toes pointed to the sky, I loved pretending I was soaring high above the clouds. I was mesmerized...